Limited Distribution SC-88/CONF.001/13 23 December 1988 UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION CONVENTION CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF THE WORLD CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE Report of the World Heritage Committee Twelfth Session Brasilia, Brazil, 5-9 December 1988 I. INTRODUCTION 1. The twelfth session of the World Heritage Committee was held upon the invitation of the Government of Brazil at the Itamaraty Palace, Brasilia from 5 to 9 December 1988. It was attended by the following members of the Committee: Algeria, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cuba, France, Greece, India, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Turkey, United States of America and Yemen (Arab Republic of). 2. The following States Parties to the Convention who are not members of the Committee were represented by observers: Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Germany (Federal Republic of), Holy See, Iraq, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, Spain and Switzerland. Representatives of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Union of Architects, (IUA), the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) also attended the meeting. The full list of participants appears as Annex I to this report. 3. Representatives of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments (ICCROM), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) attended the meeting in an advisory capacity. II. OPENING SESSION 4. The inaugural session was opened by H.E. Ambassador Bernardo Pericas Neto, Under-Secretary General for Multilateral Political Affairs who welcomed the participants on behalf of the Minister of State for External Relations. H.E. Jose Aparecido de Oliveira, Minister of State for Culture, then conveyed to the Committee the wishes for a fully successful meeting of President Jose Sarney and stressed the importance of the efforts of Unesco and the Committee to safeguard the cultural and natural heritage. In his statement, H.E. Joaquim Domingos Roriz, Governor of the Federal District, stressed the wish of the local authorities to preserve the characteristics of Brasilia which motivated the city's inscription on the World Heritage List, in spite of the problems facing a modern, fast-growing city. H.E. Josue de Souza Montello, Permanent Delegate at Unesco, His Eminence Jose Freire Falcao, Cardinal of Brasilia and H.E. Jose Israel Vargas, President of the Unesco Executive Board, also were present at the inaugural session. *[2] 5. After thanking the Brazilian authorities for their hospitality, the representative of the Director General, Mr. Y.R. Isar, Director of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture and Chief, International Standards, Division of Cultural Heritage, referred to Brazil's commitment to heritage conservation, as shown by the inscription of several Brazilian properties on the World Heritage List, Brasilia in particular. He then referred to the success achieved by the World Heritage Convention, to which seven additional States had become Parties since the eleventh session of the Committee bringing the total number to 106 at that time. Mr. Y.R. Isar then stressed the challenges of this success -- to better manage an increasing number of nominations so as to meet the fundamental objectives of the Convention, i.e. the protection of World Heritage properties, the monitoring of their state of conservation and the mobilization of resources to ensure this. He expressed confidence that the twelfth session of the Committee would contribute significantly to a new phase in the life of the World Heritage Convention. III. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 6. The Committee adopted the draft agenda of the session with two amendments, which consisted in inverting items 10, (Requests for technical co-operation), and 11 (State of accounts of the World Heritage Fund and budget for 1989), and the sequence of examination of nominations of natural and cultural properties. Furthermore, the Committee decided to examine the question of procedures for the election of Committee members under item 14, "Other business". IV. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN, RAPPORTEUR AND VICE-CHAIRMEN 7. Upon the proposal of the outgoing Chairman, Mr. J.H. Collinson (Canada), Mr. A. da Silva Telles (Brazil) was elected Chairman of the Committee by acclamation. Ms. A. Miltiadou (Greece) was elected Rapporteur and the following members of the Committee were elected Vice - Chairmen: Australia, Canada, France, India, and the Yemen Arab Republic. A member of the Committee stressed that the composition of the Bureau did not reflect a geographical balance and was due to peculiar circumstances since representatives of certain geographical regions were not present at this session of the Committee; he requested that this composition of the Bureau not be considered a precedent for the selection of future Bureaux. V. REPORT ON ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN SINCE THE ELEVENTH SESSION 8. The Secretary for the session, Ms. J. Robertson Vernhes, recalled the role of the Secretariat of the World Heritage Committee, concerning the processing of the nominations to the World Heritage List, the implementation of the decisions of the Committee concerning projects financed under the World Heritage Fund, as well as the promotional activities aimed at making the Convention better known and at stimulating contributions to the World Heritage Fund. 9. The Committee noted that the activities undertaken by the Secretariat since its eleventh session were described in detail in the working documents for the session. It took note in particular of the projects for international assistance financed under the World Heritage Fund which had been approved by the Committee, the Bureau and/or its Chairman since the eleventh session of the Committee and which were presented in Annex IX of document SC-88/CONF.001/7. The Committee was especially satisfied to note that the allocations for technical cooperation and for training under the World Heritage Fund were being put to maximum use by States Parties, which meant that the Convention and its Fund *[3] were fully operational. The Committee also drew attention to the fact that although in terms of numbers, the World Heritage List, with only 77 natural or "mixed" sites out of a total of 288, would appear biased in favour of the cultural heritage, the World Heritage Fund was in fact used in a well balanced manner for cultural and natural heritage. VI. REPORT OF THE RAPPORTEUR ON THE TWELFTH SESSION OF THE BUREAU 10. Since, unfortunately, the Rapporteur of the eleventh session (Mrs. M. Stantcheva, Bulgaria) was absent, the Chairman of the Committee invited Mr. Enaud of France, Vice-Chairman, to present to the Committee the results of the twelfth session of the Bureau, held in Paris from 14 to 17 June, 1988. Mr. Enaud informed the Committee that the sessions of the Bureau had been highly concentrated since the Bureau had to examine three additional and important items. These concerned the report of the Working Group set up by the Committee at its eleventh session (document SC-88/CONF.001/2) and the Revision of the Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention (document SC-88/CONF.001/3). Both these matters were to be examined by the Committee as specific items on the agenda. 11. Furthermore, proposals for inscription featuring a combination of cultural and natural elements (document SC-88/CONF.001/10) had to be examined. Mr. Enaud clarified that this document resulted from discussions between ICOMOS, IUCN and the Secretariat, as requested by the Bureau. This document contained recommendations drafted by this group as regards examination of properties featuring an indissociable combination of cultural and natural elements. It would be examined by the Committee under the item devoted to the revision of the Operational Guidelines. VII. REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ESTABLISHED BY THE COMMITTEE AT ITS ELEVENTH SESSION 12. The Chairman of the Working Group, H.E. Ananda Guruge (Sri Lanka) presented the recommendations drafted by the Working Group. He stressed how important it was that the work of the Committee be facilitated through careful preparation and submittance of nominations of cultural properties by States Members, a more active Secretariat contribution when checking files, and a selective presentation of proposals by ICOMOS and by the Bureau. He also noted the progress that could be achieved through a reorganization of the Committee's agenda. The Chairman of the Working Group clarified that these recommendations had, in part, guided the revision of the Operational Guidelines. Furthermore, he presented the Group's recommendation concerning a global study which might include an international tentative list of references designed to assist the States Parties in identifying their properties and the Committee in evaluating nominations. Finally, the attention of the Committee was drawn to the recommendation of complementary studies of rural landscapes, traditional villages and contemporary architecture. 13. Several members made a point of congratulating the Working Group on the results achieved. The Committee approved the Working Group's recommendations. However, several questions arose with respect to items 4.7 and 4.8 of the Working Group's report (study and global reference list, thematic studies of several categories of properties). The Chairman of the Committee recalled that the Bureau had requested ICOMOS to state its views on these points and invited the representative of this organisation to comment. *[4] 14. The proposal presented by the representative of ICOMOS would define the principles of a retrospective and prospective global reflectiOn on the Convention. Within the framework of such a reflection ICOMOS would like to satisfy the Wish of the Working Group with a view to establishing lists of examples of cultural properties of countries throughout the world, whether or not they were Parties to the the Convention. Research to this effect would allow the identification of entities according to different parameters of coherence - chronological, geographical, ecological, functional, social, religious, etc. 15. The representative of IUCN also stated his views on the global list. He reminded the Committee that in 1982 IUCN had already established a list of this type and referred to its current shortcomings. This list was to be revised in the near future and, in his opinion, was a highly useful working tool. On the other hand, he suggested that an a posteriori review of results achieved during the first twenty years of implementation of the Convention and a projection thereof over the coming twenty years be made in 1992 for cultural properties. Indeed, in 1992 IUCN would be organizing the Fourth World Parks Congress at which it was planned to hold a special session marking the twentieth year of the World Heritage Convention. 16. The representative of ICCROM shared the views expressed by the Working Group and ICOMOS as regards a global study. He stressed that cooperation between ICCROM and ICOMOS would be most useful, since this concerned matters of mutual interest. He further stressed the need to conceive an evolutive list which, in particular, should take into account recent progress in the field of conservation doctrines. 17. A member of the Committee raised the question of the budgetary implications of preparing a global list. Another member suggested that it would be possible to call upon ICOMOS experts and the historical monuments services of each country. 18. As regards tentative lists, several Committee members noted that these were highly useful instruments and a significant basis for the global survey. A member stressed that tentative lists were of great importance in the context of natural properties as well, since they allowed comparative studies. On the subject of specific studies of rural landscapes, traditional villages and contemporary architecture, a member stated that no deadlines had been set and that it would be proper to define their general outline. The representative of ICOMOS suggested that such studies might be integrated into the global study. Two Committee members voiced their doubts as to the need for a global study and specific surveys. It was therefore suggested that an informal group co-ordinated by the Chairman of the Working Group (Mr. A. Guruge) further examine this matter. 19. This Working Group met twice. Besides already existing documentation, it considered a short reflection note prepared by Mr. J.S. Collinson. Discussions highlighted the need to define a framework and principles prior to any further study, whether for the "global" study or thematic surveys of traditional villages, rural landscapes and contemporary architecture. The Working Group requested that the Secretariat and ICOMOS examine these questions in depth over the coming months and submit a more elaborate proposal to the Bureau in June 1989. Meanwhile, it proposed to include in the 1989 budget an amount of US$20,000 for the purpose of the global study and the thematic studies. The release of these funds would be considered by the Bureau. The Committee agreed to this proposal. *[5] VIII. REVISION OF THE OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 20. The Secretary presented document SC-88/CONF.001/3 on the revision of the Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention. The Committee noted that the modifications proposed in this document resulted from three different actions, namely: - changes introduced in accordance with the Committee's decisions concerning the monitoring of cultural properties, the procedure for nomination of extensions to World Heritage properties and assistance for promotional activities; - modifications required to update the Operational Guidelines to make them conform with current practice in the implementation of the Convention (notably the need for a condition of integrity of natural sites relating to the protection and management regime, as well as to requests for training activities financed under the World Heritage Fund); - changes resulting from the recommendations of the Working Group on the procedures for processing the nomination of cultural properties, for which the implications for the nominations of natural properties had been also taken into account, following the comments and suggestions of IUCN. 21. The Committee noted that the revised version of the Operational Guidelines had been studied in great depth both by the Bureau at its twelfth session in June 1988 and by subsequent meetings of the Working Group set up by the Committee. 22. Several members of the Committee made some suggestions for amendments and clarifications. The Committee requested that paragraph 53 for the July-November period for the timetable of processing nominations should clearly indicate that States Parties should send additional information as requested by the Bureau to the Secretariat no later than 9 weeks before the date of the Committee session to enable it to be sent in adequate time to ICOMOS and/or IUCN and the members of the Committee. 23. One member of the Committee drew attention to the contradiction existing between paragraphs 39 and 42 and the Committee requested the Secretariat to make the necessary modifications. 24. Another member of the Committee noted that paragraph 91(d) concerning the marking of equipment and all products arising from assistance provided under the Fund with the World Heritage emblem and name was missing. The Secretariat assured the Committee that this omission would be rectified in the final version. 25. Several members of the Committee drew attention to paragraph 7 and recalled the need for States Parties to comply with Article 11 of the Convention to provide tentative lists for both cultural and natural properties. Some States members felt that for natural properties a parallel should be made with cultural nominations which the Committee had decided not to consider unless a tentative list had been submitted to the Secretariat. The Committee noted that such a step could in fact have a negative effect and serve to slow down and even discourage the nomination of natural properties. The Committee nevertheless considered it necessary to draw the attention of States Parties to Article 11 of the Convention as concerns natural properties in order to raise awareness of the need to maintain an appropriate balance in the natural and cultural aspects of the work of the Convention, and requested the *[6] Secretariat to take the required measures to this end. The Committee requested that paragraph 7 be amended to indicate that priority would be given to the consideration of nominations of natural properties for those States Parties who had submitted a tentative list unless the State Party concerned had given a specific explanation why such a list could not be provided. 26. Again concerning the nomination of natural properties, the representative of IUCN indicated that the advancement of the deadline for the submission of nominations to the Secretariat to 1 October was more than adequate for IUCN, and suggested that the deadline for natural nominations be fixed at 1 November. The Committee, however, noted that the fixing of two separate deadlines was confusing and was not workable for nominations which were proposed under both cultural and natural criteria. 27. The Committee requested the Secretariat to finalize the Operational Guidelines as indicated in the paragraphs above and decided that this version would be henceforth used by all States Parties. IX. EXAMINATION OF NOMINATIONS WITH A COMBINATION OF CULTURAL AND NATURAL ELEMENTS 28. The Committee examined document SC-88/CONF.001/10 which arose from the difficulty which the Bureau had encountered in the examination of nominations which had an indissociable combination of cultural and natural elements. 29. The Committee recalled the inconsistency between the definitions of cultural and natural heritage in the Convention and the criteria laid out in the Operational Guidelines, particularly the fact that Article 2 defining natural heritage did not refer to cultural aspects of such heritage and yet natural criterion (iii) refers to "... areas natural beauty or exceptional combinations of natural and cultural elements". 30. In order to simplify the work of the Committee and its Bureau, the Committee agreed to the procedure whereby the evaluation of nominations with a combination of natural and cultural elements would be made by ICOMOS, which would take account of the cultural criteria (paragraph 24 of the Operational Guidelines) and, in consultation with IUCN, also of natural criterion (iii) relating to natural beauty and the exceptional combination of cultural and natural elements (paragraph 36(a)(iii)). 31. In the same manner, the Committee encouraged States Parties to present the justification for such properties evoking both cultural criteria and natural criterion (iii). 32. The Committee recognized that this procedure constituted only an interim practical measure and did not resolve the issue of all "mixed sites" which were neither specifically foreseen nor excluded in the Convention itself. X. MONITORING THE STATE OF CONSERVATION OF WORLD HERITAGE PROPERTIES A. Natural Properties 33. The representative of IUCN reported on the status of conservation of five following natural World Heritage properties: *[7] 1) Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Tanzania) The Committee was glad to be informed that the conservation status of this property had greatly improved but that the Tanzanian authorities had requested that it be maintained on the List of World Heritage in Danger, particularly in view of the continued threat of poaching. The Committee agreed to maintain this property on the List of World Heritage in Danger but expressed the wish that it be removed from this List in 1989. 2) Djoudj National Park (Senegal) The Committee was glad to learn that due in part to assistance provided from the Fund, the conservation status of this property had greatly improved. The Committee decided to comply with the request of the Senegalese authorities to remove this property from the List of World Heritage in Danger. 3) Tai National Park (Cote d'Ivoire) The Committee noted that the natural values of this property had declined due to various illegal activities within the park. The Committee was, however, glad to learn of a forthcoming project financed by WWF, US-AID and possibly with a contribution from the World Heritage which could help mitigate the current situation, and requested IUCN to report back to the Committee at its next session. 4) Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (Honduras) The representative of IUCN reported that this property was currently under extreme pressure with the invasion of some 50,000 refugees and settlers into the Reserve. The Committee requested the Secretariat to contact the Honduran authorities to obtain further information and to ask them to consider inscribing this property on the List of World Heritage in Danger. 5) Yellowstone National Park (USA) The Committee noted that an exceptionally large fire had occurred in the Park during 1988 but that no World Heritage values had been lost. The Committee welcomed the proposal of the representative of the USA to provide further information on the results of the review of the fire management policy for wilderness areas and the restoration/recovery plan aimed at showing visitors how Yellowstone was being "reborn". B. Cultural Properties 34. At the request of the Chairman, the Secretariat informed the Committee of its observations concerning the results at the present stage of implementation of the experimental monitoring system adopted by the Committee at its eleventh session. The attention of the Committee was drawn to the difficulties of a number of States in meeting the deadlines; a modified timetable was suggested, so as to enable both the Secretariat and ICOMOS to process replies and to report to the Bureau before reporting to the Committee. The Secretariat stated that the results obtained were encouraging, but that conclusions would be premature. It therefore suggested that implementation of the system be extended for another year. As requested by the Chairman, ICOMOS then stated that the information provided, although necessary and valuable, was insufficient. Exceedingly brief answers provided little information on the extent of danger referred to and very succinct analyses prevented any serious evaluation of problems raised. He further regretted the lack of information on museum installations on archaeological sites and the lack of data on the environment. To conclude, he stated that procedures could no doubt be improved, either by reformulating the questionnaire or by encouraging States to answer in greater detail. *[8] 35. Several members, however, were doubtful as regards the usefulness and efficiency of the questionnaire in its present form. One speaker suggested that it might be considered an aide-memoire to remind the States of the need to present a report on the state of conservation of their properties. He further wondered whether a single questionnaire was applicable to all types of properties and suggested reflection on this matter. He added that it might be proper to distinguish between simple and complex properties, between urban centres and archaeological sites, etc. 36. A member suggested that an explanatory letter be attached to the questionnaire, to explain to States Members as clearly as possible the objectives of the Committee with respect to the monitoring system. Another member backed this proposal and further suggested sending a new letter to the States who had submitted incomplete answers. A member felt that it would be desirable to attach typical examples of satisfactory answers to the questionnaire as models. It was concluded however that the experiment should be pursued and that the state of conservation of the next fifty cultural properties be examined in 1989 (Annex II). The Secretariat would report to the Committee at its next session. This proposal was adopted by the Committee, which further approved the new timetable proposed by the Secretariat. 37. The representative of UNDP expressed to the Committee his views on the monitoring system. In his opinion, monitoring, technical cooperation, planning and evaluation were closely linked in any project. Any efficient monitoring system would require adequate strategies and methodologies. It would have to be a dynamic process, to be initiated and implemented in the field to the extent possible. Monitoring was also a mode of cooperation and therefore an excellent means to link various sectors beyond culture and nature. In this respect, he noted the very close relationship between conservation and the environment. Finally, he stated that he was ready to cooperate with the Secretariat, ICOMOS, ICCROM and governments in all monitoring activities. Several Committee members expressed their appreciation of the UNDP Representative's comment. 38. In the context of the statement of a member of the Committee, the representative of ICCROM drew the Committee's attention to the specific problem of historic towns and to the need to define the principles and objectives of conservation in each case. He confirmed ICCROM's eagerness to co-operate with the Committee in all aspects of monitoring and training. One member of the Committee then underlined the need for joint reflection on methods of intervention and techniques for the restoration of ancient structures. The representative of ICOM, by means of a precise example, drew the attention of the Committee to the importance of museums in the global process of conservation and rehabilitation of historical towns. The Committee took note of these comments. 39. The importance of conserving the environment of cultural properties was stressed by the representative of France, who referred to the problem of Mont Saint-Michel, a site where the environmental issue was particularly crucial. The Committee noted the information he provided on methods of intervention used by the French authorities at this site and strongly encouraged them to pursue such work. 40. The representative of Senegal requested a progress report on the international campaign for the protection of Goree and inquired about the procedures for the inscription of this property on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Secretariat provided him with the information requested. 41. The Secretariat informed the Committee of problems that had arisen in the case of the three World Heritage sites. First, in the case of the city of Quebec, two real estate projects had given rise to concern in 1987 and the Canadian authorities had provided a report on the subject. The representative of Canada stated that, although several projects were still under study, the cultural heritage of Old Quebec would be safeguarded and the Committee would be advised of any change in the property. *[9] 42. As regards the site of Goreme in Turkey, the Secretariat informed the Committee of an ICOMOS report indicating two serious problems concerning the environment of this site. The Turkish authorities advised the Committee of the intent of their government to take all measures required for the protection of this vulnerable site. 43. The case of the Studenica Monastery was also submitted to the Committee. To evaluate the impact of the possible construction of a dam some ten kilometres from this property, Unesco had asked ICCROM, at the request of the Government of Yugoslavia, to investigate the situation. The Chairman invited the ICCROM representative, who had been part of the investigating team, to report on the matter. He stated that there did not seem to be technical grounds for preventing the dam project as presently contemplated. However, the ethical problem of protecting cultural and historical values linked to the Studenica valley, eponym of the monastery, was highly important and should be taken into account. He also advised the Committee as to the possibility of alternative although more costly dam locations much farther away from the monastery. The main purpose of constructing the dam was to ensure the water supply of a region where other rivers are already polluted. This raised the basic problem of protecting the environment, underlying other equally essential matters. Finally, the question was whether it was indeed necessary to sacrifice the admirable Studenica site since there were alternative in order to improve economic and social conditions in Serbia. The Committee took note of the report and requested the Secretariat to convey its concern to the Yugoslav authorities. XI. PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 44. The Committee congratulated the Secretariat on the report on activities carried out in 1988 (document SC-88/CONF.001/5), devoted mainly to production and dissemination of general information material on the objectives and operation of the Convention for a variety of publics, and the mounting of photographic exhibitions. 45. Several members of the Committee referred to promotional activities undertaken or planned in their countries, such as the setting up of a National Committee in charge of coordination of implementation and promotion of the Convention in France; placing of plaques on World Heritage sites in France and Mexico; issuing of a series of postage stamps in Brazil, production of leaflets on the Convention and sites inscribed on the World Heritage List in India, Australia and Canada; publication of a series of 60 booklets on World Heritage sites' of which 300,000 copies were sold at news-stands in Brazil; or events organized during the World Heritage Day and those planned for the World Heritage Week in India. 46. The representative of the United Nations Development Programme informed the Committee on the positive results of a press seminar he had organized in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil), with assistance from the World Heritage Fund. He further stressed the complex relationships between development, tourism and heritage; it would, he felt, be appropriate to reflect on the drafting of clear principles on the problem of tourism and heritage. 47. The Committee accepted the activities for 1989 proposed by the Secretariat, which highlight the wish to increase knowledge of sites inscribed on the World Heritage List, through preparation of information sheets on such sites, new publications and a series of films for the public at large. A member of the Committee requested that co-publishers be sought for Arabic editions of such publications. 48. Finally, the Committee recommended the creation and strengthening of national bodies designed to act as relays for the Secretariat's activities. In this respect, it noted that assistance was now available for this purpose pursuant to paragraph 87 of the Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the Convention. *[10] XII. STATUS OF THE WORLD HERITAGE FUND AND BUDGET FOR 1989 49. The Committee took note of document SC-88/CONF.001/7 which consisted essentially of a series of financial statements for mandatory and voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund for the financial periods covering 1981-83, 1984-85, 1986-87 and 1988-89 as at 30 September 1988. The Committee noted that since this date a number of contributions had been received and that several projects for international assistance had been approved, which resulted in a revised balance available for 1989 amounting to $2,112,974 as at 25 November 1988. 50. The Committee specifically took account of the need to allocate a maximum of resources for technical cooperation and training activities, which were of particular use to developing States Parties. The representative of Yemen drew the Committee's attention to the need to substantially increase the budget allocations for training and technical cooperation in order to ensure the protection of the cultural and natural heritage of the lesser developed countries. The Committee requested the Secretariat to work with States Parties in order to use the resources of the World Heritage Fund as much as possible in a catalytic manner, for example in combining World Heritage projects with those of other international bodies such as UNDP, the World Bank, the World Wide Fund for Nature, etc. 51. The Committee decided that the funds allocated for technical cooperation and training should be used in a flexible manner such that funds could be transferred in between these budget lines in order to meet requests from States Parties. 52. The Committee also considered the need to maintain the high quality of the advisory services provided to the Committee by ICOMOS and IUCN, who were increasingly asked to monitor properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and to advise on international assistance requests and their implementation. 53. As regards the allocation for temporary assistance to the Secretariat, the Committee was of the opinion that this budget line should be reduced as much as possible to ensure the maximum use of the World Heritage Fund for the protection of listed properties. In this respect, the former Chairman, Mr. J. Collinson, recalled the decision of the Director-General in reply to his letter dated 17 June 1988 to provide six additional posts under Unesco's Regular Programme to meet the needs of the World Heritage Secretariat. The Secretariat informed the Committee that owing to budget constraints within the Organization, it had not yet been possible to establish these posts but there were indications that this situation could be resolved progressively in the near future, thereby releasing the funds allocated for temporary assistance. The Committee recommended that the Chairman write to the Director-General to reiterate the Committee's grave concern to establish the Secretariat on a permanent basis under the Unesco Regular Programme and to indicate that an allocation for temporary assistance to the Secretariat would probably not be granted by the Committee in future years. 54. The Committee recommended that a sum of $20,000 be earmarked for the purpose of the global studies recommended by the Working Group of the Committee. The use of these funds would be decided upon by the Bureau at its thirteenth session in 1989. 55. In order to ensure equitable representation of the different regions and cultural areas of States Parties, the Committee requested the Secretariat to prepare a proposal for consideration by the Bureau at its next session concerning the possibility of allocating a portion of the Fund which would be used under very strict conditions to support the participation of the experts in cultural and/or natural heritage of the lesser developed States Members at the sessions of the Committee and its Bureau. *[11] 56. In accordance with the above considerations' the Committee adopted the following budget for 1989. ACTIVITY 1989 $ Preparatory assistance 100,000 Technical cooperation* 700,000 Training* 500,000 Emergency assistance 100,000 Promotional activities, including meetings 150,000 Advisory services IUCN 103,600 ICOMOS 143,600 (Global studies, etc.) (20,000) Temporary assistance to the Secretariat 210,700 2,027,900 3% Contingency funds 60,837 2,088,737 Reserve 24,237 TOTAL 2,112,974 ----------------------- * The funds for technical cooperation and training can be used in an interchangeable manner. 7. The Secretariat informed the Committee that, in addition to the budget it had approved, a sum of two million French Francs ($340,000 as of 9 December 1988) had been donated to Unesco in November 1988 by a private association which had organized a special cultural event "The Return of Marco Polo". This sum was to be divided equally for use in the preservation of the Great Wall (China) and Venice (Italy), two World Heritage properties. *[12] XIII. REQUESTS FOR INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE 58. The Committee noted that the Bureau had examined in detail the requests presented in document SC-88/CONF.001/6 and /6 Add. In noted that a number of modifications for certain requests had been received by the Secretariat since the document had been prepared. The Committee also noted that the requests from Algeria, Ecuador, Sri Lanka and Zaire had already been recommended for approval by the previous Bureau at its twelfth session in June 1988. 59. In accordance with the procedures for granting international assistance set out in the Operational Guidelines adopted by the Committee (WHC/2 Revised, December 1988), the Committee approved the following requests: A. Technical Co-operation 1) Tassili N'Ajjer (Algeria) Equipment and a financial contribution to improve visitors' services and protection of the cultural and natural heritage $ 53,000 2) Sao Miguel des Missoes (Brazil) Financial contribution for the inventory of the documentation on the site $ 10,000 3) Talamanca - La Amistad (Costa Rica) Equipment and a financial contribution for strengthening conservation of the Pacific sector of the site $ 30,000 4) Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) Purchase of 2 boats for strengthening the protection of the site $ 54,000 5) Temple of Apollo Epicurios at Bassse (Greece) Purchase of a portable micro-earthquake monitoring system (also for use at other Greek World Heritage properties) $ 30,000 6) Bahla Fort (Oman) Financial contribution to works and training for safeguarding the property $ 50,000 7) Anuradhapura, Polonnaruva and Sigiriya (Sri Lanka) Equipment for conservation and restoration of monuments (see also training below) $ 25,500 *[13] 8) Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Tanzania) 2 vehicles (one tipper truck and one 4 x 4 pick-up) for constructions aimed at to strengthening anti-poaching measures $ 50,000 9) Durmitor National Park (Yugoslavia) Purchase of equipment to investigate causes of the decline in the population sizes of some bird species and tree death. (N.B. the Yugoslav authorities are encouraged to undertake this work as appropriate in cooperation with WMO concerning research on air pollutants. Following the work in Durmitor, all efforts should be made by the Yugoslav authorities to make the specialized equipment purchased under the Fund available for other World Heritage properties in the region. Finally, the Yugoslav authorities are requested to provide a report to the Secretariat on the use of all the research equipment provided under the Fund for this project) $ 38,000 10) Garamba National Park (Zaire) 2 vehicles to continue the activities of the WWF/Frankfurt Zoological Society/World Heritage consortium to combat poaching $ 50,000 11) Virunga National Park (Zaire) Equipment to improve protective measures in the Park $ 40,000 TOTAL $ 430,500 B. Training Activities Sri Lanka Training component of the technical cooperation request for the cultural triangle (No.7 above) $ 33,500 International Course on the Technology of Stone Conservation (ICCROM) Financial contribution to cover costs of the participation of fellows from developing countries which are States Parties to the Convention $37,500 TOTAL $ 71,000 *[14] 60. The representative of Lebanon read a communication sent to him by the Secretary General of the International Association for the Safeguard of Tyre with a view to obtaining technical co-operation under the World Heritage Fund for the rehabilitation and enhancement of Tyr. The Secretariat had taken due note of the matter and had indicated the Committee's procedure that his authorities would need to follow in order to submit a report to this end. XIV. NOMINATIONS TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST AND TO THE LIST OF WORLD HERITAGE IN DANGER 61. Taking account of the recommendations of ICOMOS and IUCN, the Committee decided to inscribe 27 properties on the World Heritage List, of which 19 were cultural properties, 5 natural and 3 mixed. The Committee furthermore decided not to inscribe 2 properties on the World Heritage List. Another 9 nominations were deferred by the Committee and/or its Bureau. The Committee also decided to remove the Djoudj National Park (Senegal) from the List of World Heritage in Danger, and added the Bahla Fort (Oman). 62. There are now 315 properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and 7 properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger. XIV/I. Nominations of natural properties 63. The Secretariat introduced document SC-88/CONF.001/9 and informed the Committee of the following points: - by letter dated 29 November 1988, the Hungarian Permanent Delegation to Unesco had withdrawn the nomination of Hortobagy National Park; - in accordance with the suggestion of the Bureau at its twelfth session, Unesco will convene a working group particularly to study petrified forests involving the Intergovernmental Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) of Unesco, the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and IUCN. Once the results of this study were available, the Bureau could then examine the nomination of the Petrified Forest of Lesbos submitted by Greece. A Natural properties inscribed on the World Heritage List Name of Property Identification Contracting State Criteria No. having submitted the nomination of the property in accordance with the Convention Wet Tropics 486 Australia N(i)(ii) of Queensland (iii)(iv) In accordance with the wishes of the Bureau at its last meeting in June 1988, the Committee noted that the Bureau had re-examined this nomination taking into account the revised evaluation of IUCN and additional information provided by Australia, as requested by the Bureau. Following this re-examination, the Committee decided to inscribe this property on the World Heritage List. It recommended that an appropriate management regime be established. The Committee furthermore recommended that IUCN continue to monitor the status of conservation of this property and report back to the Committee in the next 2 to 3 years. *[15] Parc National du 475 Central African N(ii)(i) Manovo-Gounda St. Floris Republic The Committee welcomed the telex dated 24 November 1988 from the Minister of Water and Forestry of the Central African Republic which save assurances as to the States Party's full commitment to improve the conditions of integrity of this property, notably concerning poaching and illegal grazing. The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the World Heritage List and wished to encourage the Central African Republic in these protective efforts. The Committee expressed the wish that the recently launched 10-year project financed by EEC/FED at a cost of US$27 million would show positive results very soon. The Committee requested IUCN to work with the Central African authorities to monitor very closely the state of conservation of this property, particularly as to how it still met natural criteria (ii) and (iv), and to report back to the Bureau and the Committee as soon as possible. The representatives of Canada and the United States clearly recognized the potential of this site and applauded the commitment of the Central African Republic but noted the severe damage to the Park's integrity due to poaching and illegal grazing. In consequence, these two Member States expressed a reservation about the timing of the inscription of this site on the World Heritage List. Nanda Devi 473 India N(iii) National Park *[in error; should have been 335] (iv) The Committee recommended that the Indian authorities proceed with the preparation of a management plan for this property and with a census of the status of wildlife populations, particularly the large mammals such as the blue sheep. The Committee indicated its willingness to provide assistance under the World Heritage Fund for these activities. Sinharaja Forest 405 Sri Lanka N(ii)(iv) Reserve The Committee noted with satisfaction that on 21 October 1988, the Sinharaja Forest Reserve had been declared a National Heritage Wilderness Area under the National Heritage Wilderness Act No. 3 of 1988, thereby conferring the required legal protection for this property. The Committee requested the Sri Lankan authorities to provide the Secretariat with further information on the natural characteristics of the areas which come under this legislation which were additions to the definition of the property as nominated in 1982. Henderson Island 487 United Kingdom N(iii)(iv) The Committee requested the British authorities to report back on the Bureau's recommendations concerning the involvement of Pitcairn islanders to ensure on-site protection and the review of the legal status of this island, including consideration to upgrade its status of a nature reserve and the preparation of a management plan. The Committee recommended that the British authorities consider extending the property to include the marine areas particularly used as feeding areas for marine birds within the 3- mile limit of the island. Finally, the Committee wished to commend the British authorities for having strengthened the protection of this property by signing the Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region on 16 June 1988. *[16] B. Deferred nominations The Committee noted that the nomination of the Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve and adjacent forests, submitted by Madagascar, had been deferred by the Bureau and that this nomination would be re-worked on the occasion of a training workshop to be held in Madagascar in early 1989 with the financial support from the World Heritage Fund. C. Natural property removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger Djoudj National Park (Senegal) The Committee recalled that under the agenda item on monitoring the state of conservation of World Heritage properties the Committee had decided to comply with the request of the Senegalese authorities to remove this property from the List of World Heritage in Danger. XIV/II. Nominations of cultural properties A. Cultural properties inscribed on the World Heritage List Strasbourg - Grande Ile 495 France C(i)(ii) (iv) Mt. Athos 454 Greece C(i)(ii)(iv) (v)(vi) N(iii) The Committee accepted the ICOMOS proposal to add natural criterion (iii) - outstanding universal value from the point of view of natural beauty - to cultural criteria, since this site involves a humanized landscape the characteristics of which are due to persistence of farming practices and traditional arts and crafts linked to the stringent observance of monastic rules. Meteora 455 Greece C(i)(ii) (iv)(v) N(iii) The Committee accepted the ICOMOS proposal to add natural criterion (iii) to cultural criteria. Early Christian and 456 Greece C(i)(ii)(iv) Byzantine monuments of Thessalonika Archaeological site 491 Greece C(i)(ii) of Epidaurus (iii)(iv)(vi) It should be stated that criterion (ii) is also justified in view of the influence of Tholos of Epidaurus on the development of architecture and ornamentation of Corynthian style in Greek and Roman art. *[17] Medieval City of 493 Greece C(ii)(iv) Rhodes (v) It should be stated that the influence of Rhodes fortifications mentioned under criterion (ii) particularly applies to Bodrum, the former Halicarnassus. Old Towns of Djenne 116 rev. Mali C(iii)(iv) The Committee recommends that the Mali authorities ensure the long-term protection of Djenne with particular attention to preserving the balance between the built and unbuilt areas of the town, whilst safeguarding the toguere archaeological assets. Timbuktu 119 rev. Mali C(ii)(iv)(v) The Committee decided to inscribe the three large mosques and sixteen cemeteries and mausoleums of Timbuktu. In view of the threat of sand encroachment at Timbuktu, the Committee suggests that the Mali authorities consider inscription of this property on the List of World Heritage in Danger. Historic Centre of 482 Mexico C(i)(ii) Guanajuato and (iv)(vi) adjacent mines Pre-Hispanic City 483 " C(i)(ii) of Chichen-Itza (iii) Archaeological sites 434 Oman C(iii)(iv) of Bat, Al-Khutm and Al-Ayn Convent Ensemble of 500 Peru C(ii)(iv) San Francisco de Lima Old City of Salamanca 381 rev. Spain C(i)(ii)(iv) Sacred City of Kandy 450 Sri Lanka C(iv)(vi) Old Town of Galle and 451 " C(iv) its fortifications Medina of Sousse 498 Tunisia C(iii)(iv) (v) Kairouan 499 " C(i)(ii)(iii) (v)(vi) *[18] Xanthos-Letoon 484 Turkey C(ii)(iii) The Committee was pleased to note the assurances of the Turkish authorities to protect the site within a larger perimeter. Hierapolis-Pamukkale 485 Turkey C(iii)(iv) N(iii) The Committee was pleased to note that the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs has decided to start work on setting up a national park during 1989. Furthermore, the Committee accepted the ICOMOS proposal to add natural criterion (iii) to cultural criteria. The Tower of London 488 United Kingdom C(ii)(iv) The Committee has expressed its regrets regarding the building of the Tower Hotel, which would have best been avoided, and took note of the assurances of the United Kingdom authorities as to protection henceforth to be granted to the environment of the Tower of London. The Committee further suggested that inscription on the World Heritage List be extended to the Tower Bridge which constitutes a coherent whole with the Tower of London. Canterbury Cathedral, 496 United Kingdom C(i)(ii)(vi) St. Augustine's Abbey and St. Martin's Church Trinidad and the 460 Cuba C(iv)(v) Valley de los Ingenios The Committee congratulated the Cuban authorities on conservation of the Trinidad historical site. However, it strongly recommended to protect the environment of the town sugar mills and valley which should not suffer from tourism development. B. Cultural Nominations deferred by the Committee a) The Committee endorsed the recommendations of the Bureau and decided to defer the examination of the following nominations: Male Hukuru Miskiy 461 Maldives Utheemu Gaduvaru 462 " Eid Miskiy 463 " Fenfushi Hukuru Miskiy 464 " Vadhoo Hukuru Miskiy 465 " New Lanark 429 United Kingdom *[19] Pueblo of Taos 492 United States of America b) Furthermore, the Committee decided to defer the inscription of the following nomination: Spanish Town 459 rev. Jamaica The Committee decided to defer inscription of this property on the World Heritage List to enable the competent authorities to refine the protection plan and define the principles of an overall conservation policy for the historic centre. C. Cultural properties which the Committee decided not to inscribe on the World Heritage List Port Royal 457 rev. Jamaica The Committee recognized the importance of this property for the national heritage of Jamaica but felt that the nomination did not meet the criteria for inscription on the World Heritage List. Seville 458 rev. Jamaica The Committee recognized the importance of this property for the national heritage of Jamaica but felt that the nomination did not meet the criteria for inscription on the World Heritage List. D. List of World Heritage in Danger Bahla Fort 433 Oman In accordance with the wishes of the Omani authorities the Committee decided to inscribe Bahla Fort on the List of World Heritage in Danger. Wieliczka Salt Mine 32 Poland In the absence of information on the state of conservation of this property and the most urgent needs in terms of protection thereof, the Committee requested that a mission be organized to seek such information before the next session of the Bureau. Therefore, a decision on this matter was deferred. 64. A member drew the attention of the Committee on the particular case of Rome. Inscription on the World Heritage List of the Historical Centre in 1980 and of Vatican City in 1984 apparently did not cover several monuments which are the property of the Holy See, which has extra-territorial rights over them. After clarifications had been provided by the Secretariat, the representative of ICOMOS, the representative of Italy and the observer from the Holy See, the Committee requested the Holy See and Italy to study the modalities of a proposal with respect to major monuments such as the Basilicas of Saint John of Lateran, Santa Maria Maggiore, Santa Maria de Trastevere and San Paolo fuori le Mura, etc. At the request of the observer of the Holy See, the Committee agreed that his declaration on the subject would be annexed to the present report (Annex III). *[20] XV. REVIEW OF PROCEDURES FOR ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE 65. The Committee discussed the question of procedures for the election of members (document SC-88/CONF.001/11), the Secretariat having stressed that its suggestions were of a very preliminary nature. 66. As regards rotation of States Parties within the Committee, the Committee felt that the Secretariat's proposal was acceptable. However, some flexibility might be required, especially to take into account the preferences of States Parties within the same region. One member stressed that the principle of rotation was not a mechanical exercise and that it should be applied taking into account the varied technical qualifications that representatives of States Parties from all regions could bring to the Committee, which was an essentially technical body. He added that State Parties seeking a seat on the Committee should approach this matter with a sense of this responsibility. Several members also reiterated the suggestion made earlier that the Committee seek ways of financing the participation of competent representatives of the least developed countries, but stressed that strict criteria should be developed for this purpose. 67. With respect to equitable representation of the various regions and cultures within the Committee, it was felt that a first priority should be an increase in the number of States Members of the Committee. This might be the basis for a mechanism resulting in more equitable representation. Several suggestions as to this number were discussed and it was decided that the number of members could be increased to 36, following the example of the Intergovernmental Committee for the World Decade for Cultural Development, the membership of which reflects the present principles of representation for Committees of this kind within Unesco. The observer from a State Party not currently a member of the Committee expressed his disagreement with the idea of a fixed number of seats for each region. He stressed that a certain number of States Parties could bring to bear on the tasks facing the Committee, apart from their rich cultural and natural heritage, a wealth of experience in the conservation of cultural and natural property. 68. The representative of the Director General reminded the Committee that increasing the number of members would imply a revision of the Convention pursuant to its Article 37. The Committee noted the protracted procedure for this purpose defined by the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference. However, it felt it highly desirable that the Secretariat examine means to reduce the length of this procedure. It was therefore decided to request the Secretariat to further study the matter of equitable representation of the various regions and cultures within the Committee, along the lines referred to above. In consultation with Unesco's Legal Adviser new proposals should be drafted and distributed to members of the Bureau for comment prior to discussion of this matter at the June 1989 session of the Bureau. Noting that the expansion of the Committee was likely to be a long process one member suggested that in accordance with Article 10 of the Convention, the Committee might also explore the idea of establishing a body in which a number of States Parties not members of the Committee might contribute more directly to the work of the Committee. XVI. OTHER BUSINESS 69. The representative of Canada informed the World Heritage Committee that, in honour of Unesco's World Decade for Cultural Development preliminary consultations were underway to explore the possibility of holding an international colloquium on historic districts in the World Heritage Site of le Vieux-Quebec in Canada, possibly for 1990 or 1991. *[21] This colloquium would address the critical issues of conservation and management of historic districts, especially for those districts inscribed on the World Heritage List. Canada would clarify the possibility of sponsoring this colloquium at the thirteenth session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee in June 1989. The Chairman underlined the pertinence of the proposed colloquium and expressed his deep satisfaction that this project was being planned. 70. The Rapporteur informed the Committee on behalf of the Government of Greece that an international conference organized jointly with ICCROM and with Unesco support in November 1989 would deal with structural conservation of stone masonry. Members of the Committee and specialists from their countries would be welcome at this important technical meeting. 71. The representative of IUCN informed the Committee of his organization's intention to act upon the suggestion of Mr. Michel Batisse, to organize a World Heritage Conference in 1992 to mark the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention within the framework of the Fourth World Parks Congress. 72. The representative of the United States of America informed the Committee of a theme study on the historic Spanish missions in her country a copy of which had been sent to the Secretariat. She hoped this study would be a catalyst for possible joint nominations among States Parties who shared the Hispanic-American heritage and placed this hope in the context of the 1992 Columbus Quincentennial. The Committee should find ways of promoting the 1992 celebrations of the rich cultural interchange between the Old and New Worlds. 73. The Secretary-General of ICOMOS read out a telex message from Professor Roberto di Stefano, President of ICOMOS, expressing the grave concern of his Organization about "the situation of architectural heritage, both urban and rural, in Romania". After describing the measures taken by ICOMOS, the message stated that this organization was ready to help the Committee in any way possible. The Committee noted that Romania was not a State Party to the Convention and that when the matter had been raised in the recent 130th session of Unesco's Executive Board, the Director-General had informed that body of the measures he was taking to obtain clarifications form the Romanian authorities on the effects on the architectural heritage of its "rural systematisation" policies. The Committee endorsed the concern expressed by ICOMOS and expressed the wish that this concern be communicated to the Romanian authorities. An observer from a States Party suggested that in the "global study" it would be carrying out ICOMOS could give priority attention to Romanian properties of World Heritage significance. XVII. DATE AND PLACE OF THE THIRTEENTH SESSION OF THE COMMITTEE 74. The Committee decided to hold its thirteenth session in Unesco Headquarters in Paris from 4 to 8 December 1989. XII. CLOSURE OF THE SESSION 75. Mr. J.D. Collinson, (Canada), the previous Chairman expressed on behalf of the Committee, his sincere thanks to the Brazilian authorities and particularly the local team for all their support and kindnesses which had contributed to the success of the meeting. The representative of the Director-General made a brief statement underlining the Secretariat's gratitude to the Brazilian authorities and its commitment to serving the Committee even more effectively at this significant stage in the development of the mechanisms of the World Heritage Convention. Mr. da Silva Telles, in the name of the Brazilian Government and its Ministry of Culture, thanked ICOMOS, IUCN, ICCROM and ICOM, as well as the Secretariat for their valuable assistance. He then declared the session closed. ------------------------------------------------------------ *[Annex I/1] SC-88/CONF.001/13 Annex I 23 December 1988 CONVENTION CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF THE WORLD CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE CONVENTION CONCERNANT LA PROTECTION DU PATRIMOINE MONDIAL, CULTUREL ET NATUREL World Heritage Committee/Comité du patrimoine mondial Twelfth Session/Douzième session Brasilia, 5-9 December 1988 Brasilia, 5-9 décembre 1988 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS I. STATES MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE/ETATS MEMBRES DU COMITE ALGERIA/ALGERIE Mr Mourad Belmokhtar Premier Secrétaire Amhassade d'Algérie au Brésil AUSTRALIA/AUSTRALIE Senator Graham Richardson Minister for the Arts, Sport, the Environment Tourism and Territories Mr Edward Gough Whitlam Member of Unesco's Executive Board Mr Simon Balderstone Parliament House Dr Peter Bridgewater First Assistant Secretary Natural Heritage and Environment Protection Department of the Arts, Sport, the Envirooment Tourism and Territories Dr Warren Nicholls Rainforest Unit Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environnent Tourism and Territories Mrs Janet Willis Parliament House *[Annex I/2] Mr John Lander Minister Alternate Permanent Delegate to Unesco Mr Kenneth Bruce Berry Australian Embassy in Brazil Dr Aila Keto President Rainforest Conservation Society BRAZIL/BRESIL S. Exc. M. José de Souza Montello Délagué permanent auprès de l'Unesco Professeur Augusto Carlos da Silva Telles Secrétaire du patrimoine historique et artistique national Dr D'Alembert Jorge Jaccoud Secrétariat de la culture du District fadéral de Brasilia M. Francisco Soares Alvim Neto Conseiller Chef de la Division de la coopération internationale Ministère des relations extérieuren M. Italo Campofiorito Coordinateur des études Fondation nationale Pro-Memoria Dr. Sonia Maria Pereira Wiedmann Institut brésilien du développement des forêts Dr. Osvaldo Peralva Directeur général de l'Institut de promotion culturelle M. Joaquim Arnaldo de Paiva Oliveira Sous-Directeur de la Division de coopération intellectuelle Ministere des relations extérieures Dr. Silvio Cavalcante Directeur, Département du patrimoine historique Secrétariat de la culture M. Julio Glinternick Bitteli Assistant du Chef du département des organismes internationaux Ministère des relations extérieures *[Annex I/3] BULGARIA/BULGARIE M. Nikolay Kaloudov Premier Secrétaire Ambassade de Bulgarie au Brésil CANADA Mr James D. Collinson Assistant Deputy Minister, Environment Canada Parks Ms Christina S. Cameron Director-General National Historic Parks and Sites CUBA Mme Marta Arjona Directeur du patrimoine culturel FRANCE M. F. Enaud Inspecteur général des monuments historiques Ministère de la culture et de la communication Mme M. de Raissac Chargée de mission, Direction du patrimoine Ministère de la culture et de la communication M. Alain Megret Chargé de mission des affaires générales et internationales Directeur de la protection de la nature Ministère de l'environnement M. Jean-Pierre Boyer Commission française pour l'Unesco Chargé de mission auprès du secrétariat général M. Staphane Dupont Ambassade de France au Brésil GREECE/GRECE Mme Androniki Miltiadou Conseiller, Délécation permanente auprès de l'Unesco *[Annex I/4] INDIA/INDE Mr Ramesh Chandra Tripathi Department of Culture Ministry of Human Resource ITALY/ITALIE Mme Licia Vlad-Borelli Ministère des biens culturels M. Massimo Lepri Ministère de l'environnement M. Mario Lolli-Ghetti Ministère des biens culturels Mme Piera Sabetta Commission nationale italienne auprès de l'Unesco LEBANON/LIBAN S. Exc. M. Samir Hobeica Ambassadeur du Liban au Brésil MEXICO/MEXIQUE M. Salvador Diaz-Berrio Fernandez Directeur, projets techniques Institut national d'anthropologie et d'histoire M. Juan Manuel Gonzalez Bustos Premier Secrétaire Ambassade du Mexique au Brésil NORWAY/NORVEGE Mrs T. Rodrigues Eusebio Norvegian Embassy in Brazil PAKISTAN Mr Sohail Ittehad Hussain Pakistan Embassy in Brazil *[Annex I/5] SRI LANKA H. Exc. Dr. A.W.P. Gurugé Ambassador, Permanent Delegate to Unesco Mrs Sujata Gurugé Permanent Delegation to Unesco TUNISIA/TUNISIE Mme Riahi Mounira Directeur général de l'Institut national d'archéologie et d'art TURKEY/TURQUIE H. Exc. Mr Metin Kustaloglu Ambassador of Turkey in Brazil Mr Ilhan Gokbudak Counsellor Turkish Embassy in Brasilia UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE Mrs Susan Recce Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Department of the Interior Mr Charles O. Cecil Department of State Mr Richard J. Cook International Affairs Officer National Park Service Department of the Interior YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC/REPUBLIQUE ARABE DU YEMEN Dr. Ahmed Saleh Sayyad Déléqué Permanent auprès de l'Unesco II. ORGANIZATIONS ATTENDING IN AN ADVISORY CAPACITY/ ORGANISATIONS PARTICIPANT AVEC UN STATUT CONSULTATIF INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON MONUMENTS AND SITES (ICOMOS)/CONSEIL INTERNATIONAL DES MONUMENTS ET DES SITES Mr Helmut Stelzer Secretary General M. Léon Pressouyre Professeur à l'Université de Paris I *[Annex I/6] INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES (IUCN)/UNION INTERNATIONALE POUR LA CONSERVATION DE LA NATURE ET DE SES RESSOURCES (UICN) Mr James Thorsell Executive Officer Commission on National Parks and other Protected Areas (CNPPA) INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF THE PRESERVATION AND THE RESTORATION OF CULTURAL PROPERTY (ICCROM)/CENTRE INTERNATIONAL D'ETUDES POUR LA CONSERVATION ET LA RESTAURATION DES BIENS CULTURELS (ICCROM) Dr Jukka Jokilehto Coordinator of Traininq in Architectural Conservation III. OBSERVERS/OBSERVATEURS A. OTHER STATES PARTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION/ AUTRES ETATS PARTIES A LA CONVENTION DU PATRIMOINE MONDIAL ARGENTINA/ARGENTINE M. Hernan Santivanez Vieyra Ambassade d'Argentine au Brésil CHILE / CHILI Mr William Patrickson ECUADOR/EQUATEUR Dr. Deborah Salgado Second Secretary Embassy of Ecuador in Brazil FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY/REPUBLIQUE FEDERALE D'ALLEMAGNE Dr Hans Caspary Conservateur des Monuments historiques HOLY SEE/SAINT SIEGE S. Exc. Mgr Ernesto Gallina Archevêque, Nonce Apostolique Secrétairerie d'Etat, Cité du Vatican S. Exc. Mgr Francesco Marchisano Evêque, Secrétaire de la Commission pontificale pour la conservation du patrimoine artistique et historiaue de l'Eqlise, Cité du Vatican *[Annex I/7] Mgr. Astolfo Astolfi Nonciature Apostolique à Brasilia PERU/PEROU M. Augusto Morelli Secrétaire à l'Ambassade du Pérou au Brésil PHILIPPINES H. Exc. Mr Lauro L, Basa, Jr Ambassador of the Philippines in Brazil Mrs Sylvia Montallana Reyes Philippines Embassy in Brazil SENEGAL M. Mamadou Mané Directeur du Patrimoine historique Ministère de la Culture SPAIN/ESPAGNE M. Juan Serrat Ministre Conseiller Ambassade d'Espagne au Brésil M. J.S. Gomez-Llera Premier Secrétaire Ambassade d'Espagne au Brésil SWITZERLAND/SUISSE M. B. Loeliger Premier Secrétaire Ambassade de la Suisse au Brésil B. UNITED NATIONS BODIES/ORGANISMES DES NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSARY FOR REFUGEES (UNHCR)/HAUT COMMISSARIAT DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LES REFUGIES (HCR) Mr Juan Claudio Buchet Argentine Office UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPEMENT PROGRAMME (UNESCO)/PROGRAMME DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LE DEVELOPEMEENT (UNESCO) Mr Sylvio Mutal Coordinator Chief Technical Adviser *[Annex I/8] UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF)/ FONDS DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'ENFANCE (FISE) Mr John J. Donohue Brazilian Office C. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS/ORGANISATIONS INTERGOUVERNEMENTALES INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK/BANQUE INTER-AMERICAINE DE DEVELOPPEMENT Mr Hernan D. Acero D. INTERNATIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION/ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE NON GOUVERNEMENTALE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF MUSEUMS (ICOM)/CONSEIL INTERNATIONAL DES MUSEES Mrs Lourdes Martins do Rego Novaes Chairman Icom's National Committee in Brazil INTERNATIONAL UNION OF ARCHITECTS (IUA)/UNION INTERNATIONALE DES ARCHITECTES (UIA] Mrs Yara Landre Marques Exeautive Secretary - Region III Mr Paulo Pontes Correia Neves Architect IV. UNESCO SECRETARIAT/SECRETARIAT DE L'UNESCO Mr. Y.R. Isar Director, International Fund for the Promotion of Culture and Chief, International Standards Division of Cultural Heritage Ms J. Robertson Vernhes Division of Ecological Sciences Ms M. Jardin Division of Ecological Sciences Ms C. Lyard Division of Cultural Heritage Ms M. Tactakoff Division of Cultural Heritage *[Annex I/9] Ms J. Degeorges Division of Ecological Sciences Mr D. Martel Division of Ecological Sciences ---------------------------------------------------------------- *[Annex II/1] Annex II The 50 cultural properties of which the state of conservation has to be examined by the Committee in 1989 PROPERTIES INSCRIBED IN 1980 Name of the Property State Party having submitted the nomination Lower Valley of the Omo Ethiopia Ashante Traditional Buildings Ghana Maya Site of Copan Honduras Historic Centre of Rome Italy The Church and Dominican Convent of " Santa Maria delle Grazie with "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci Hal Saflieni Hypogeum Malta City of Valetta " Ggantija Temples " Roros Norway Archaeological ruins at Moenjodaro Pakistan Taxila " Buddhist ruins of Takht-i-Bahi and " neighbouring city remains at Sahr-i-Bahlo, The fortifications on the Caribbean side Panama of Portobelo-San Lorenzo Cracow's Historic Centre Poland Ancient City of Bosra Syrian Arab Rep. Site of Palmyra " *[Annex II/2] PROPERTIES INSCRIBED IN 1981 Name of the Property State Party having submitted the nomination Kakadu National Park Australia Willandra Lakes Region " Anthony Island Canada Head-Smashed-In Bison Jump Complex " Speyer Cathadral Fed.Rep. of Germany Würtzburg Residence with the Court Gardens " and Residence Square Palace and Park of Fontainebleau France Château and estate of Chambord " Amiens Cathedral " The Roman Theatre and its surroundings " and the "Triumphal Arch" of Orange Roman and Romanesque Monuments of Arles " Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay " Archaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua Guatemala Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls Jordan Medina of Fez Morocco Historical Monuments of Thatta Pakistan Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore " Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and United Rep. of Ruins of Songo Mnara Tanzania *[Annex II/3] PROPERTIES INSCRIBED IN 1982 Name of the Property State Party having submitted the nomination Tassili n'Ajjer Algeria M'Zab Valley " Djemila " Tipasa " Timgad " Western Tasmania Wilderness National Parks Australia Historic Centre of the town of Olinda Brazil Old Havana and its Fortifications Cuba Royal Saltworks of Arc-en-Senans France National History Park - Citadel, Haiti Sans Souci, Ramiers Historic Centre of Florence Italy Archaeological Site of Leptis Magna Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Archaeological Site of Sabratha " Archaeological Site of Cyrene " Sacred City of Anuradhapura Sri Lanka Ancient City of Polonnaruva " ------------------------------------------------------------ *[Annex III/1] Annex III Statement of the Observer of the Holy See during the 12th Session of the World Heritage Committee (Brasilia, 5-9 December 1988) On 31 October 1984, the World Heritage Committee, at its eighth session held in Buenos Aires, unanimously decided to inscribe the entire Vatican City on the World Heritage List. The Holy See now wishes that the other properties that are situated on Italian territory but enjoy extraterritorial status whereby the Holy See has specific rights of sovereignty over them, internationally recognized, be inscribed on the List. These are all the extraterritorial properties situated in the Historic Centre of Rome which has already been inscribed in its totality, at the request of the Italian Government. The Holy See, by this request, wishes that the properties which come under its responsibility be added so that they are explicitly and definitively inscribed on the World Heritage List. There are furthermore two extraterritorial properties which are also part of the territory of the Italian State but which are situated outside the Historic Centre of Rome: the complex of San Paolo Fuori le Mura and the complex of the Pontifical Villas of Castelgandolfo. The nomination of these two properties is made with the agreement of the Italian Government for matters within its competence. The Holy See will present all necessary or useful documentation to this end. jr7a:holy