Properties inscribed
on the World Heritage List
on the World Heritage List
Mandate to the World Heritage Committee
State of Conservation Reports
International assistance
requests Approved
requests Approved
International assistance
Total Amount Approved (USD)
Total Amount Approved (USD)
Ratification of the Convention:
Tuesday, 19 July 1983
Mandates to the World Heritage Committee 1
World Heritage
Sites on the Tentative List 8
A Tentative List is an inventory of those properties which each State Party intends to consider for nomination. More about the Tentative List Process
Sud-Ouest Malgache, Pays Mahafaly1997
Réserve Spéciale d’Anjanaharibe-Sud (extension des forêts humides de l’Atsinanana)2008
Les forêts sèches de l’Andrefana2008
La Haute Ville d’Antananarivo2016
Ancien site industriel de Mantasoa2018
Eglise catholique d’Ambodifotatra de Sainte Marie2018
Nosy Lonjo d’Antsiranana2018
NOSYnakà (Sahamalaza, Nosy Hara, Nosy Tanikely, Lokobe, Ambodivahibe, Ankarea, Ankivonjy)2018
State of Conservation Reports 14
State of conservation of World Heritage properties since 1979 and the threats they have faced in the past, or are currently facing. More about State of Conservation
5 May 2017 – African World Heritage Day
2 May 2017
March 3rd is World Wildlife Day
27 February 2015
Results of the election to the World Heritage Committee
10 October 2005
Capacity Building workshop for Indian Ocean SIDS
30 Apr 2012 - 3 May 2012
Expert Meeting on African Cultural Landscapes, Tiwi, Kenya, March 9-14, 1999
9 Mar 1999 - 14 Mar 1999
- Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO/CLT/ITH)
- Cultural Heritage Laws Database (UNESCO/CLT/NATLAWS)
- Ratified Convention (UNESCO/LA)
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- Multimedia Archives (UNESCO/MSS/BKI/ISS)
- UNESCO transparency Portal
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