The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Documents WHC-11/35.COM/5A and WHC-11/35.COM/INF.5A,
2. Recalling Decision 34 COM 5A adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010),
3. Takes note of the activities undertaken and of the partnerships established by the World Heritage Centre;
4. Also takes note with appreciation of the concrete contribution of the States Parties and all partners who, through their financial and/or technical support, contributed to the efforts to implement the Convention reported in the document WHC-11/35.COM/5A;
5. Reminds the World Heritage Centre of the necessity to elaborate, at each session of the World Heritage Committee, a report on envisaged and concluded partnerships and requests that it be completed with an evaluation of these partnerships based on relevant tools, in particular on the use of the emblem and the benefits received, in order to ensure strict compliance with the Convention's principles and objectives;
6. Requests the World Heritage Centre to continue improving its report by adding to the Periodic Reports:
a) a general comment on progress made and gaps identified at global and regional levels, at thematic level, at the level of different financing sources, and at the level of financial partners or cooperation with States Parties, other Conventions, civil society and the private sector,
b) a comprehensive inventory of pending decisions and the foreseen dates of implementation,
c) a provisional priority activities plan for the following year including the formulation of objectives and expected results, as well as indications on related resources (human and financial);
7. Takes note of the recommendations of the International Seminar on the Role of Religious Communities in the Management of World Heritage properties, organized in Kiev, Ukraine, in November 2010, and requests the World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, to elaborate a thematic paper proposing to States Parties general guidance regarding the management of their cultural and natural heritage of religious interest, and in compliance with the national specificities, inviting States Parties to provide voluntary contributions to this end;
8. Requests the Director of the World Heritage Centre to continue informing it on an annual basis on:
a) authorization granted by the World Heritage Centre on the use of the World Heritage emblem,
b) envisaged and concluded partnerships, with indications on the modalities and terms of such agreements,
and invites the Director to submit a draft of the new PACT Initiative Strategy, taking into account the results of the evaluation of the External Auditor on the PACT initiative for examination at its next session, one of its major objectives being the increase of resources to the World Heritage Fund to the benefit of International Assistance.