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21st session of the General Assembly of States Parties

UNESCO, Paris 14-15 November 2017

The 21st session of the General Assembly will be held at UNESCO Headquarters, 14-15 November 2017.

In accordance with Article 8, paragraph 1 of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention will hold its 21st session during the 39th session of the General Conference of UNESCO.

Resolutions adopted
by the General Assembly 

English Français

Summary Records 

English Français

Election to the World Heritage
Committee in 2017

The General Assembly will be called upon, inter alia, to replace the outgoing members of the World Heritage Committee, in conformity with Rule 13.1 of the Rules of Procedures of the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention concerning the presentation of candidatures for election to the World Heritage Committee.

The following 12 States Parties will be outgoing in 2017:

Croatia Finland Jamaica Kazakhstan Lebanon Peru
Philippines Poland Portugal Republic of Korea Turkey Viet Nam

Twelve States Parties were elected to the World Heritage Committee

Australia Bahrain Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil China Guatemala Hungary Kyrgyzstan Norway Saint Kitts and Nevis Spain Uganda

For information on the number of seats to be filled during the 21st General Assembly.

Candidatures Received*
State Party Electoral Group Proposed duration of mandate (years) Previous mandates CVs of experts**
Australia IV 4 4
1976-1983 1983-1989 1995-2001 2007-2011
Bahrain Vb 4 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina II 4 0
Brazil III 4 4
1980-1987 1987-1993 1993-1999 2007-2011
China IV 4 3
1991-1997 1999-2005 2007-2011
Guatemala III 4 0
Hungary II 4 1
Kyrgyzstan IV 4 0
Myanmar IV 4 0
Norway I 4

1983-1989 2003-2007

Saint Kitts and Nevis III 4


Spain I 4 2
1991-1997 2005-2009
Uganda Va 4 0
Ukraine II 4 0

* Madagascar has withdrawn its candidature by letter dated 10 October 2017

** At its 20th session (UNESCO, 2015), the General Assembly approved the following format for the experts’ CVs in the field of cultural/natural heritage.

Bureau Members

Chairperson: Mr. Adrian Cioroianu (Romania)
Ms. Feven Tewolde (Ethiopia)

Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention at its 21st session (UNESCO, 2017)
English Français

Summary Records
English Français