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3rd session of the World Heritage Committee

Luxor, Egypt 22-26 October 1979

Bureau Members

Chairperson: Dr. Shehata Adam (Egypt)
Mr. Michel Parent (France)

Committee Members
Mandate End of
Algeria 1978-1980 1980
Argentina 1978-1985 1985
Australia 1976-1983 1983
Bulgaria 1978-1983 1983
Ecuador 1976-1980 1980
Egypt 1976-1983 1983
France 1978-1985 1985
Ghana 1976-1980 1980
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1976-1980 1980
Iraq 1976-1983 1983
Italy 1978-1985 1985
Nepal 1978-1983 1983
Nigeria 1976-1980 1980
Pakistan 1978-1985 1985
Panama 1978-1985 1985
Senegal 1978-1985 1985
Sudan 1978-1980 1980
Switzerland 1978-1985 1985
Tunisia 1976-1983 1983
United States of America 1976-1983 1983

Report of the rapporteur on the third session of the World Heritage Committee
English Français