30. The Secretariat presented the requests for technical cooperation which had been received by the 1st March 1984 deadline for properties inscribed on the World Heritage List or had been recommended by the Bureau for inscription thereon at its present session.
It was noted that the total of the amounts requested for technical cooperation and of their training components were two to three times greater than the expected budgetary provisions. It was therefore necessary to contact the States Parties concerned to request them to reduce their requests to a more modest amount and to indicated ...
31. The Bureau regretted the decrease in the amounts of the World Heritage Fund which limited its impact, particularly in the field. This would decrease the visibility of the Convention and thereby the support from those involved in the protection of the World Heritage properties themselves.
In this connection, the Bureau encouraged the Secretariat, in cooperation with ICOMOS and IUCN, to seek where possible other sources of funding to synergetically support World Heritage technical cooperation projects.
As regards training, the Bureau recommended that maximum use be made of the ...